We are living in a very exciting moment of our time. We are witnessing and participating in another transformative stage of our human civilization. Throughout humanity, there are periods of collective transformation in our consciousness. We are now in a spiritual evolution for humanity and the cosmos.
Many changes will come. Eckhart Tolle says, "The purpose of Life is not to make us happy. The purpose of Life is make us awakened."
What does that mean, awakened? It means to find out, or I should say remember, who we are. To wake up. We are from somewhere. We were not born out of nothingness. We belong to where we are from. We are all longing and yearning to go home, to belong. But most of us don't know what it is we're looking for. It is our natural quest to want to know what the purpose of this so-called life is.
The world we live in today has been built on thousands of years of civilization based on social systems. As we witness what's happening today in a global sense, we are not here to judge right vs. wrong, or good vs. bad. What is happening is part of a natural process that humanity is currently participating. It is also necessary.
Before there is a different future, there will be inevitable change. Change is not meant in a negative way, the same way spring is not viewed negative when compared to winter. We can judge it as "bad" in our mind, but in reality, it is just what it is. If we rest our judgment, we can appreciate many things in life with more clarity and gratitude. We can see it as part of our evolution and growth as humans. Without change, we cannot evolve, for better.
As we enter the necessary phase of change, there will be two options each of us will face and choose.
The first option is based on a fight-flight-freeze, fear-based mode.
1. Fight - we fight whatever we dislike and resist. We get exhausted.
2. Flight - we run away from what's happening. We avoid the reality of change. We continue to numb ourselves with busyness, social media, or other addicting behaviors. We become self-destructive.
3. Freeze - we don't know what to do, so we stay stagnant, and let whatever happening to take over. Though we feel lost and angry, we don't do anything about it. We let other people control our lives for us. We let people tell us what to do. We live in chronic stress because of helplessness.
These fight-flight-freeze approaches are based on fear. Basically, fear of change. Fear of uncertainty. Of unknown.
Instead of choosing fear, the second option we have is living our lives with love and compassion. We open our hearts and minds to see the reality as it is, to interact with our world. We embrace change. We let go of our resistance. We embrace the uncertainty with courage and compassion for one another. We trust the process, and we come out on the other side. We are guided by a force stronger than anything, which is love-based, and not fear-based. We are all guided by this Love, whether you know it or not.
My intention doing this work is to help you choose love over fear. Ultimately, it is our choice. We are all given free will. It is an absolutely beautiful privilege to be a human being because we are given choices. Every day is a brand new day to choose. What do you choose today?
How we want to live our life is up to us. I hope you recognize your born privilege and choose your fullest potential.
Choose love, let go of fear. This is THE only way.