Be Love Now                  Meditation


We have been searching for the answer outside of us, while this entire time, the answer is within.  



What is the truth?  Who's telling the truth?  


The society we live in today offers us a great diversity of views and opinions.  The question is, which opinion is correct?  The world so divided, what or who should I believe?  How do I know what they're saying is true?  


My intention doing this work is to help you reconnect with the Inner Wisdom which you were born.  Then... and only then... You will know how to let your Inner Wisdom guide you through life.   


The modern world is chaotic because we are no longer connected to our  REAL SELF.  We tend to achieve through external means to create a false self, which at the end of our physical life, will eventually dissolve regardless how big and puffy it was created to be.  Our society tells us who we are is based on our social categorization - our race, ethnicity, gender,.... this cannot be more apart from the Truth. 


If we want the world to change, perhaps we should look in the mirror.  Only YOU can change your life.  As human beings, we have that privilege and the potential.  Don't waste this lifetime on meaningless activities. 


Once we reconnect and remember who we really are - our true nature, we know.  We know the meaning of life. We are no longer lost.